Complex projects
ETERNA - marketing
VISTA EDU - educational module
VISTA VALUES WEAR - sustainable schoolwear
WORKFIT - shirt management
BODKY - art summer installation
REUSCH - kids ski accessories
Research and design
GRANVELADA - expansion strategy germany
CCHE - anniversary book
Txoko - spanish foodie club
CBRE - hack your style seminar
4YOGA - mindfull quotes
BS - numbers for todlers
Personal projects
Illustrations - monocolor
Illustrations - emotions
Photography - document
Renata de la sierra
Complex projects
ETERNA - marketing
VISTA EDU - educational module
VISTA VALUES WEAR - sustainable schoolwear
WORKFIT - shirt management
BODKY - art summer installation
REUSCH - kids ski accessories
Research and design
GRANVELADA - expansion strategy germany
CCHE - anniversary book
Txoko - spanish foodie club
CBRE - hack your style seminar
4YOGA - mindfull quotes
BS - numbers for todlers
Personal projects
Illustrations - monocolor
Illustrations - emotions
Photography - document
Illustrations - monocolor
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Photography - document
Illustrations - emotions
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